How can I receive payments?
We dearly value our publisher's time and traffic and therefore would like to expedite payments as soon as possible in any case.
Please make sure to update your account profile, payment method details & upload an invoice with the amount of your activity revenue in $
based on our self serve reports data.
We guarantee payments via PayPal and Wire transfer, but may allow payments through WebMoney, Payoneer, Capitalist, Paxum and Crypto
Make sure to update your profile and your payment details as soon as you register to not delay the payment process.
Payment Methods
How to upload an invoice for payment?
Why is the best card virtual payment system?
What makes Paxum the perfect payment methods for advertisers and publishers
EZmob enables Webmoney payments for advertisers and ublishers
Please make sure to update your account profile, payment method details & upload an invoice with the amount of your activity revenue in $
based on our self serve reports data.
We guarantee payments via PayPal and Wire transfer, but may allow payments through WebMoney, Payoneer, Capitalist, Paxum and Crypto
Make sure to update your profile and your payment details as soon as you register to not delay the payment process.
Read also
Payment Methods
How to upload an invoice for payment?
Why is the best card virtual payment system?
What makes Paxum the perfect payment methods for advertisers and publishers
EZmob enables Webmoney payments for advertisers and ublishers
Updated on: 26/12/2023
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