Articles on: Publishers

Publisher Websites Guidelines and Rules

EZmob works strictly with directly owned sites: news, entertainment, online cinemas, blogs, social, streaming sites, etc.

Erotic and pornographic content, torrent sites, free hosting sites are allowed if tagged appropriately when creating the placements. Publishers who will use mainstream tags to monetize adult inventory will be banned from the platform.
The content of the Publisher’s website(s) or its affiliated website(s) can not include any material that infringes the rights of any third party or is in violation of any law:
Intellectual property rights;
Racial, ethnic, political, hate-mongering, or otherwise objectionable content;
Investment, money-making opportunities, or advice not permitted under the law;
Gratuitous violence or profanity;
Material that defames, abuses, or threatens physical harm to others;
Promotion of illegal substances or activities (e.g. illegal online gambling, “how to build an explosive”, counterfeiting money, etc.);
Software Pirating (e.g., Warez, P2P, Bit torrent, Hotline, etc.);
Hacking or Phreaking;
Fraud, unofficial, untrue, false, misleading, invented, re-produced information, facts, news, offers, solutions, guidelines related to or aiming to treat in any way and at any level vulnerabilities of all kind, including but not limited to any physical, mental, psychological, social, religious, economic, scientific vulnerabilities;
Any illegal activity whatsoever;
Any spoofing, redirecting, or trafficking from adult-related websites in an effort to gain traffic; or
Any other inappropriate activity is determined by us at our sole discretion.

Related articles:
Publisher: Getting Started
How to add the tags to your website
Publisher Monetization Solutions

Updated on: 20/09/2023

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