Why were my creatives rejected?
Please follow the below steps to check why your campaign’s creatives were rejected:
Read more about our creative guideline policy
What is EZmob's DSP Ad Policy?
Ad Policy for Push notification campaigns
Go to the Creatives page

Hover over the (!) icon to see why your ads were rejected.

Possible reasons our team might use to reject your creatives may be:
Malicious, Malware or Phishing activity
Adult Content
Aggressive Ads
Misleading Ads
Inappropriate Content
If you feel your creatives were rejected in error, please create a service desk ticket and our manager will re-review your creatives.
Read more about our creative guideline policy
What is EZmob's DSP Ad Policy?
Ad Policy for Push notification campaigns
Go to the Creatives page

Hover over the (!) icon to see why your ads were rejected.

Possible reasons our team might use to reject your creatives may be:
Malicious, Malware or Phishing activity
Adult Content
Aggressive Ads
Misleading Ads
Inappropriate Content
If you feel your creatives were rejected in error, please create a service desk ticket and our manager will re-review your creatives.
Updated on: 04/09/2022
Thank you!